The diamond world is extremely complex and is impossible to explain in just a few sentences however we are going to try to explain some important points. Firstly, you need to know that their different qualities and characteristics have a significant effect on the Price of each stone.
The “4Cs”
These are the 4 best-known criteria used to assess a diamond’s quality. The combination of these 4 criteria along with other less important ones, determine the value and the quality of each stone.
The Carat is the unit of weight used to measure a diamond’s size, and is the equivalent of 0.2 grams. It is a very important part of a stone’s value, and in general the heavier a diamond is, the more valuable it is. However, this is only true when weight is considered in conjunction with the other criteria used to assess diamonds.
Another important characteristic in a diamond is its colour. The whiter a diamond is, the more valuable it is. But when we speak about a diamond being white we are really referring to the absence of colour in the stone, which means that the whiter a diamond is, the less colourful it is.
Colour is classified using letters of the alphabet, starting with ‘D’, which is for the whitest or most colourless diamonds. A colour grade is almost imperceptible, so it is internationally assumed that diamonds considered to be ‘white’ have grades from D to H.
A diamond’s cut actually refers to the two closely-related aspects of the cut and the shape. A diamond’s shape refers to the different possible ways of cutting or shaping a rough diamond. The best known and most widespread of these is the ‘brilliant’ cut; this diamond shape gives the best light returns and it makes the most of the diamond’s weight to achieve this. It is by far the most brilliant and popular cut, and it spans almost the entire diamond market.
The cut refers to the stone’s proportions. A diamond’s shine and sparkle is dependent on its cut. If the proportions are inadequate, the diamond will sparkle less, because the light will not be sufficiently reflected inside the stone.
Another of the cut’s influences is relative to the size of the diamond; with equal weight, a diamond will be much smaller in diameter if the cut is incorrect. A poor cut is perhaps one of the biggest disappointments an inexperienced buyer can have. They can have the paradox of being given a shiny stone which weighs less and yet seems bigger and more beautiful than another diamond which is in fact larger.
A diamond’s natural imperfections as known as ‘inclusions’ and they alter its quality. A diamond’s clarity depends on the number of inclusions, their size and where on the stone they are to be found. The higher a diamond’s clarity is, the greater its value.
Diamond Certificate
A diamond certificate is a document which describes the stone’s characteristics after it has been analysed by a specialist. Its main use is to allow an inexperienced person to know the qualities of the diamond they are purchasing.
Now you know a little more about the basic characteristics you should know at the moment of purchasing your diamond. Don’t hesitate to visit our website at to find out more information about the fascinating world of diamonds, and find the perfect stone you are looking for.